Wednesday, May 14, 2014

FAQ section added. Vacation incoming.

I've added an FAQ section that hopefully answers most of the community's questions. If there's a question someone has that hasn't been answered, leave a comment here or email me. Please understand nothing is currently final, so everything is open to change. Some questions I cannot answer if they're detail story-related, since I haven't completed the script. This mod is still several months away from completion, and I have a full-time job, so be patient with me, lol. This isn't something I want to rush out.

I will also be taking a vacation this week near Alaska, so expect updates much later.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New blog additions

Added a banner and a mod "progress" section giving a vague idea where I am with the script, word count, and in-game content. Keep in mind this is a very wild estimate. I'll try to update it every few weeks. You can also now subscribe to my updates via email.

I'll eventually update the blog with a screenshots section, more character bio's, and an FAQ.